
PMP Exam Formulas:

1)       Financial method of project selection:

n        成本效益比Benefit Cost Ratio= Benefit / Cost

n        回收時間Payback time= Benefit / Cost Ex: $55,800 / $90,000 = 0.62 of a year = approx. 8 months

n        PV=FV / (1+r)n FV=future value r =discount rate 貼現率(折現率, 折換成現值的比例), 通常用利率(interest rate) 作例子n = number of time periods                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

n        NPV= Co + C1/(1+r)0 + C2/(1+r)2 + C3/(1+r)3 + …. Co : 0年一次性建設成本(現值) C1 :第一年收支相減,C2 :第二年收支相減

2)       PERT 計畫評核術

n    PERT Weighted Average 加權平均值

= (Pessimistic + 4*Most Likely + Optimistic) / 6

= (悲觀值 + 4 * 最可能值 + 樂觀值) / 6

n    PERT Standard Deviation (SD)標準差σ

= (Pessimistic - Optimistic) / 6= (悲觀值 - 樂觀值) / 6

n    PERT Variance of an activity= [(P-O)/6]2

n    PERT Project SD= [(σa) 2+(σb) 2+ (σc) 2…]1/2 a b c stand for activity.

3)       Float 浮時 = LS-ES = LF-EF

4)       Contingency reserve = BAC of reusing Modecalo method - original BAC (如果題目给等式右邊兩個數字問你Contingency reserve)

5)       Earned Value Analysis



時程變異SV = EV - PV = 實獲值 - 計劃值   (-) = Behind schedule 時程落後(+) = Ahead of schedule 時程超前

n        PV: Planned Value(計劃值;應該要完成的,在activity cost estimating時的產出活動估計值,也是cost baseline)

n        EV: Earned Value(實獲值,完成的計劃值)

n        AC: Actual Cost(活動真正花費)


n        時程績效指標SPI = EV / PV = 實獲值 / 計劃值  (<1) = Behind schedule 時程落後(>1) = Ahead of schedule 時程超前

n        成本變異CV = EV - AC = 實獲值 -實際成本 (-) = Over budget  超出預算 (+) = Under budget 在預算內

n        成本績效指標CPI = EV / AC = 實獲值 /實際成本 (<1) = Over budget  超出預算, (>1) = Under budget 在預算內

n        Budget At Completion (BAC). 完工總預算(執行前推估,PV曲線終點值)

n        Estimate At Completion (EAC) 完工估算(執行後,以現在推估)

n        ETC = EAC - AC = 完工估算 - 實際成本,Estimate Cost To Complete (ETC).  到完工所需估算(還要再花多少)

n        Variance At Completion (VAC). 完工變異

n        VAC = BAC - EAC = 完工總預算 -完工所需估算,() = Over budget  超出預算() = Under budget 在預算內

n        EAC=BAC/CPI  (考題無特別說明均用此公式)

=AC+ETC  (全部的預估(PV)是不正確的)

=AC+(BAC-EV) (今天之前的預估(PV)是不正確的,之後的預估(PV)是對的)

=AC+(BAC-EV)/CPI  (預估(PV)是不正確的,不過變異一致)

6)       Cost budget = cost baseline + management reserve(unknown, unknown)

7)       Cost baseline = contingency reserve(known, unknown) + sum(control account)

8)       Communication Channel 溝通管道 [N(N-1)] / 2 N =  # of people. 人數,快速解題技巧:

n        人數n->n+1 , channel increase n.  n+1*(n+1-1)/2 - n*(n-1)/2=n

n        人數n->n+2 , channel increase n+(n+1) .  38->40, 38+39=77

9)       5 個數值計算其 平均值: Excel 函數AVERAGE(20,30,40,50,60)= 40 ,標準差 : Excel 函數STDEV(20,30,40,50,60)= 15.811=¼*[(20-40)2+ (30-40)2+.. (60-40)2] ½

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