發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2013-01-08 na (122) (0)
2011-06-26 Customer Requirement vs Project SOW (454) (0)
2011-06-14 How to approach customer expectation (178) (0)
2011-05-22 A good chance to implement your idea (73) (0)
2011-05-22 價值工程(Value Engineering) (787) (0)
2011-05-22 Communiction is hard, Na Na Na Na Na..... (123) (0)
2011-05-03 為什麼需要PM (698) (0)
2010-11-11 Balance stakeholder needs(2) (177) (0)
2010-10-28 PMO (472) (0)
2010-10-06 用風險分數來做決策(Decision Making) (682) (0)
2010-09-28 Operation Readiness (173) (0)
2010-09-28 風險就像柚子一樣 (330) (0)
2010-09-20 那叫投資不是流程改善 (476) (0)
2010-09-08 是”互助合作”,不是”分工合作” (2614) (0)
2010-06-01 PMP Exam Prep 作者 Rita 女士過逝 (1088) (1)
2010-03-17 大軍未發,糧草先行 (880) (0)
2010-02-26 Scope, Deliverables and scope of work. (352) (0)
2009-11-13 公司組織架構影響專案經理執行專案的成效(1) (1014) (0)
2009-10-16 Project base thinking: (245) (0)
2009-10-14 Balance stakeholder needs(平衡專案關係人的需求) (592) (0)
2009-08-12 Assumption 就是 Risk (410) (1)
2009-08-09 Nice Powerpoint slides (293) (0)
2009-07-29 Project Base Thinking (459) (3)
2009-07-10 專案無法結案(3) (489) (0)
2009-07-01 專案無法結案(2) (617) (0)
2009-06-23 專案無法結案(1) (709) (0)
2009-06-18 Cost = F( Scope, Time, Quality ) (345) (0)
2009-05-20 How to define a project successful? (303) (0)
2009-05-06 巨大的 Vision: (727) (12)
2009-05-04 Hertzberg’s Motivation Theory 赫玆伯格理論: (1050) (0)
2009-04-23 Limited power(限量供應) apply to Recognition and Reward, (180) (0)
2009-03-30 Quality is plan in instead of inspection in (品質是計劃出來的而不是檢查出來的) (515) (0)
2009-03-28 Procurement Management(4) Select Sellers 選擇賣方 (351) (0)
2009-03-26 Performance bond 履約保證金 (9640) (0)
2009-03-24 Procurement Management(3) Bidder Conference 投標商會議 (464) (0)
2009-03-16 Procurement Management(2) Plan Contracting 發包規劃 (1063) (0)
2009-03-10 採購管理(1) Procurement Management(1) Plan Purchase and Acquisitions 採購規劃 (2282) (0)
2009-03-08 Risk Management 風險管理(Risk identification風險辨識, Qualitative analysis 定性分析, Quatitative analysis 定量分析, Risk response 風險回應) (5059) (1)
2009-03-08 Benefits of the Critical Path 要徑的好處 (1926) (0)
2009-02-18 Scope Verification vs Quality Control 範疇確認與品質控制 (490) (0)
2009-02-18 Path Convergency (812) (0)
2009-02-14 Time reporting systems工時提報系統and Cost reporting system 成本提報系統 (969) (0)
2009-02-14 RFP, IFB, Contract T&C, Proposal, NDA (3131) (0)
2009-02-04 Product scope vs Project Scope 產品範疇與專案範疇 (1667) (0)
2009-02-02 What’s difference in between corrective actions, preventative actions, process improvement and change ?? (341) (0)
2009-02-02 如何運用Quality planning, Quality control and Quality assurance (426) (0)
2009-01-26 How Star Bucks Save My Life, 星巴客救我一命 (145) (0)
2009-01-16 Customer Satisfaction 客戶滿意: 1. Conformance to Requirements符合要求 2. Fitness for use 適用 (588) (0)
2009-01-16 Cost of Quality (COQ) 品質成本 = Preventative cost 預防成本 + Appraisal Cost 鑑定(檢驗)、鑑價成本 + Failure cost失敗成本 (8535) (0)
2009-01-12 還要再用平均值粉飾太平?標準差(σ):代表什麼? (52825) (1)
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