什麼是JD(Job description)或稱 Position Description, 是公司在設立每一個職位(級)時必須先做定義,為什麼需要這個職位,設立目的是什麼、工作內容、具備專常、資格條件,以便做考核控管。
下面是舉一個PM JD範例:
1. 職位設立目的(Objectives):
For fulfilling long term corporate’s goal which is xxxxx we have to create this position in xxx division.
2. 工作內容(Major Responsibilities):
n Cross department coordination. 40%
n Process Reengineering. 30%
n Customer project handling. 30%
3. 具備專長(Competences)
n Communication skill
n Problem Solving skill
n Conflict resolving skill
n Decision making skill
n Leadership
n Team work
n Legal knowledge
4. 資格條件、相關學、經驗(Qualifications)
n College above, at least 3 years PM working experiences in xx industrial
n Good command of English
n Familiar with office and Project software
• To do recruiting process.
• To assign team member’s job
• To do performance evaluation
• To re-assign team member’s job. (team re-organize,有時你會發現某人的工作內容與JD完全不同,或是資深者做的是約聘者的工作,把JD拿出來對一下吧!沒有就要重寫,資深者該做更有挑戰的工作)
• Synergy two above units when merged. (公司要合併的人應該會有感覺才對)