未來的事無法預知, 所以我們必須先要將某些變數先給予假設(assumption)將其固定下來, 才能基於這些假設開始進行計畫, 例如某產品的銷售量, 原料價格, 匯率, 產量, 辦活動要預估來客數, 氣候, 其他如預估時間,運費成本, 需求, 可靠度, 行為模式(pattern), 競爭者狀況, 法規變動,  etc.

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Check it up~,http://www.powerpointist.com/servlet/StoreFront

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Just completed a round of in-house project management training last week. In the course of trainnig I encouraged trainees to see things from the aspect of Project base. In other words, keep in mind PDCA cycle. Plan, Do, Check, Action. It's very easy to realize and memorize. You got used to adapt WBS and network diagram rather than To-Do list. Major task is often involved with stakeholders who you have to deal with and to find out their requirement then plan in. Anything happen against baselines(scope/time/cost/quality)what you feel is "problem" or treat it as a "change request".

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其實賣方規劃單位在開規格時常會考慮未來年幾年的需求,而這些需求有的已有標準,有的還在構想階段,為了能夠在未來競爭環境中能夠繼續生存下來,所以就把一些先進地需求規格列入RFP(request for proposal),事實上買賣雙方都知道不一定在結案前能夠將功能做出來(有些標準都還在制定中怎麼會有產品),這時專案要執行最後階段範疇驗證時就會出問題,但是總不能因為幾個功能就讓整個專案持續延遲下去,下列是各項可能解決方案,這些由賣方提出的 change request都需要走 Integration change control process,先厘清變更的範疇(clarification)、變更的原因(root cause)、對專案範疇、時程、成本、品質、風險的影響(evaluation),經評估後可能有下列選項可執行,不要讓專案持續的延持無法結案(lose,lose):

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Are you smiling as you see this equation.

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How to define success  of a project ? or what is Project KPI? or what is project purpose? Actually, these 3 questions are pointing to same thing which is “what is project deliverable?”.

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Hertzbergs Motivation Theory

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